Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Noir Student Readings

I really enjoyed attending the Noir event in the library on Monday.  Polito's talk was very informative, and the students' work was impressive.  The two female students' writing stood out to me and I thought that they were of publishable quality.  However, the male student's writing seemed too unpolished, which, I understand may be his interpretation of Noir, but I felt that some of his descriptions could have been a bit more subtle and not as crude.  The male student's way of reading seemed too exaggerated and I had trouble connecting with his story or being drawn into it.  I'm not sure if it was the student's way of writing or his delivery of his story that bothered me.  It might have been both, but I'm not sure.  However, all the students should be congratulated for writing works for the Noir genre.


  1. Huh, I felt just the opposite: that his delivery was the best, dramatically, and that the innovative structure was the most interesting. Part Two was a bit of a letdown, though.

  2. Huh, I felt just the opposite: that his delivery was the best, dramatically, and that the innovative structure was the most interesting. Part Two was a bit of a letdown, though.

    1. I agree with you on the first part. His delivery was definitely the most expressive, and the structure was definitely something that made it stand out when compared to the two, more narrative-based ones before him. However, I think that part two was the more compelling half. Hopefully I'm not mistaken about which part this falls into, but the bit with the son and the father struck me as very appropriate. Maybe not in the traditional sense of what we've been working on in noir, but where else would a kinda down on his luck noirish guy like him end up if not vomiting on the side of the road, waving his son's help away (Other than dead, I mean)?

  3. I think if we saw their writing down on paper we could get a better impression of it. It could be hard to concentrate and appreciate the small details when they read it because we (well I at least) was more focused on the bigger picture of the story. I was unsure about the guy's delivery too. I think it would have been really helpful to have a hard copy of his story, b/c it didn't really seem like the type of story to dictate..especially with the list format. Can someone explain the jist of his story? Like the meaning of the lists and numbers he used?
