Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Ripley Gets Bored Easily

I was reviewing a couple chapters in the The Talented Mr. Ripley when I noticed a trend in his behavior. When Tom's facades and costumes become of Dickie become so believable, he becomes bored with the people he is interacting with. This can seen in several instances in particular when Tom is being interrogated by the police and has exchanges with hotel employees. When the American detective is questioning him about Dickie, Tom becomes bored because he can not only predict the questions McCarron is going to ask him, but Tom has to remind himself to convey expressions of remorse, confusion, and naivete. I think his boredom also adds to his fascination with acting and trying to pretend to be others. Tom seems like the type of individual, because of his constant moving around from providence to providence, that cannot only stay in one place for an extended period of time, but remain the same person for an extended period of time. Once his costume has become so effective that acting like Dickie has become second nature, he expresses feelings of solemness and gloom. As a result he tries to shake things up by continuing to take greater risks, like forging signatures and flipping back and forth between identities even while interacting the same people.

1 comment:

  1. I never really thought of it as bored, but I agree. There are so many points where he could really just stop and get out, but he always pushes it further. Boredom could be one of those reasons, but also a desire for more could work. But then again, a desire for more excitement is a product of boredom, so we are back to that. Ripley is just so hard to understand it could all go anyway. But one thing is clear: he is a psychopath. We could spend hours discussing theories, none of which will be better than the other. Tom, to me, is so crazy, he's impenetrable.

    Also, it would be important to note that only a psychopath could be bored with what Tom was doing. Personally, I would be going nuts at all times, yet somehow Tom can stay suave. That dude is crazy
